10ENG - English

Course Description

Aims of the Course:

At Year 10, English aims to cover all six strands of the English Curriculum, with four areas - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking - being formally assessed, and two areas - Viewing and Presenting - being explored in an informal way. 

A programme of prep will support the learning in class with further practice in the basics of English grammar, punctuation and sentence construction. 


  • Descriptive Writing: An extension to creative writing units learned in Years 7 to 9. Students will examine increasingly complex storytelling devices and use these to create a piece of engaging prose. 
  • Listening: An exploration of this often overlooked and increasingly important method of communication. Students will learn to listen with focus to gather information and identify bias.
  • Gathering and Communicating Information: A study of research and persuasion. Students will research and present an argument to a class through a formal speech. 
  • Novel Study: An in depth study of story, technique and context through an extended text. Students will show their understanding through a formal response to text essay. 
  • Unfamiliar Texts: An investigation into the tools writers use to connect with audiences and show purpose. This unit will be assessed through a formal examination toward the end of Term 4. 

Other, eg. field trips:

Year 10 students will participate in the Dilworth Speech Competition, with the in-class presentation serving as the first round of this competition. They are also encouraged to join the Dilworth Writing Academy extension group.





Term 1 (LITO dependent): Descriptive Writing

Term 2 (LITO dependent): Speaking: Formal Argumentative Speech

Term 3: Reading: Formal Response to Text Essay

Term 4: End of Year Examination, including Response to Unfamiliar Text and Writing

Subject and Career Pathways:

English is taught in Years 7 - 13 and is fundamental to the life skills of literacy and communication. English leads to careers in the media, education, health, law, technology, the defence forces and government.


Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.