7ENG - English

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms K. Boudreau.

Aims of the Course:

English at Year 7 aims to cover all six strands of the English Curriculum, with four areas - Reading, Writing, Listening and Presenting - being formally assessed, and two areas - Speaking and Viewing - being explored in an informal way. 

A programme of prep will reinforce the basic rules and structures of the English language, and this will supplement the students’ learning in class. 


  • Stories of Auckland, Stories of Us: A look into a range of storytelling methods found in our local area. Students will complete this unit by telling a story of their own.
  • Exploring Others’ Perspectives: A focus on listening for information and bias in podcasts and speeches. Students will test their knowledge in this unit with a listening test.  
  • The World of Poetry: An introduction to poetic form and techniques. Students conclude this unit by teaching a poem to the class in an individual presentation. 
  • Empathy through Extended Text: A window into the lives of others through narrative fiction. Students will show their understanding by responding to a range of ideas in the chosen text. 

Other, eg. field trips:

Students in Year 7 are invited to extend their learning in the Term 2 Listening unit by creating and delivering one of the following: a formal speech, flash talk, spoken word poetry or rap, that will contribute to the Junior Campus Speech Competition. Year 7 students will also have the opportunity to engage with extension activities in the world of writing.





Term 1: Writing: Narrative Fiction

Term 2: Listening Test

Term 3: Presenting Poetry

Term 4: Reading: Response to Text

Subject and Career Pathways:

English is taught in Years 7 - 13 and is fundamental to the life skills of literacy and communication. English leads to careers in the media, education, health, law, technology, the defence forces and government.


Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.