10DRA - Drama (Semester)
Course Description
Aims of the Course:
Year 10 Drama is a semester course that offers ākonga the opportunity to bring their learning “to their feet", providing a vehicle for personal development and practical skill building. Ākonga are provided with opportunities to strengthen their capacity for presence and self-management, and are trained to speak, move and create with confidence, clarity, focus and freedom.
The theme of the year is New Zealand Physical Theatre. Ākonga will build on the basic understanding of Drama Techniques, Elements and Conventions that were introduced in Year 9 Drama. Ãkonga broaden and deepen their skill in using Voice, Body, Movement and Space and develop understanding of the purpose of theatre, along with awareness of how it is shaped by the Elements - Focus, Action, Role, Time and Setting. These skills will be integrated into two pieces of performance and explored through two units of work. Over this semester students will also be introduced to Physical Theatre tools and learn to integrate these into their self-devised performance work. In this course they will build on core capacities and lay the foundation through four main learning strands - Performance, Devising, Analysis and Drama Context.
Drama techniques - Using Drama techniques from the play Niu Sila
Devised performance - Creating devised pieces of work
Physical foundations - Developing foundation skills in physical theatre
Other, eg. field trips:
Students will attend one theatre trip this year to experience live theatre and watch professionals at work.
Subject and Career Pathways:
10 Drama leads on to 11 Drama.
Careers include actor, script writer, director, film maker, journalist, event coordinator, broadcaster, TV presenter, teacher, public relations, advertising, law, therapy, leadership.
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.