7ART - Visual Art
Course Description
Aims of the Course:
Te ao toi/The arts offer diverse forms for ākonga to generate and express ideas, exploring identity, culture, and personal perspectives. The Year 7 Visual Arts course focuses on introducing students to the fundamentals of Visual Art, the four processes explored include acrylic painting, reduction printmaking, sculpture, and photography.
Painting – Painting: A Local Landscape
Plan your composition with underpainting techniques, mixing colours for form and effects. Exercise control over marks and application, building up layers for detail and texture.
Printmaking – Reduction Woodblock Print: Self Portrait Playing My Musical Instrument.
Design a reduction woodblock print of myself playing my musical instrument. Explore the printmaking of Picasso and E.M. Taylor. Cut with safety and control to make a range of marks, and print three prints.
Sculpture – Construction: Creating an Imaginary City
Design an imaginary city in the style of Peter Madden. Create a sculpture that is balanced with high, medium and low areas. Include densely patterned areas, curved, and straight-edged shapes.
Photography – Photography Using a Camera Safely: Lego In The Landscape
Use a camera and images safely. Focus the camera for clear photos. Download images and put them in a folder. Name images using the formula. Consider the negative space, points of view and audience.
Other, eg. Field trips, Curriculum Enrichment
Possible visit to local Mountain Ōhinerau/Mt Hobson and/or Auckland City Art Gallery
Subject and Career Pathways:
This course leads into Year 8 Visual Art. Careers leading from Visual Art include, artist, product designer, teacher, architect, animator, illustrator, gallery manager, journalist, presenter, fashion designer.
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.