8ENG - English
Course Description
Aims of the Course:
At Year 8, English aims to cover all six strands of the English Curriculum, with four areas - Reading, Writing, Viewing and Speaking - being formally assessed, and two areas - Listening and Presenting - being explored in an informal way.
A programme of prep will support the learning in class with further practice in the basics of English grammar and punctuation, as well as plenty of practice in reading and writing.
- New Zealand’s Past, Present and Future: An exploration of short and extended texts from local contexts. Students will read for understanding and pleasure, and will show their learning through a formal reading response.
- The World of Persuasion: A focus on the tools required to build a persuasive argument. Students will conclude this unit with the delivery of a formal persuasive speech.
- Moving Communication: A study of film and how it is able to affect the emotions of the audience. Students will demonstrate learning through a formal viewing test and the development and creation of a visual text.
- Learning Lessons through Writing: A focus on writing for the service of others. Students will reflect on their two year journey through the Junior Campus and offer advice to future students through writing.
Other, eg. field trips:
Students in Year 8 will extend their Term 2 learning through participation in the Junior Campus Speech Competition, the winner of which will be advanced to Remuera Lions Speech Competition. Some students may be invited to compete in the ICAS Reading and ICAS Writing examinations.
Subject and Career Pathways:
English is taught in Years 7 - 13 and is fundamental to the life skills of literacy and communication. English leads to careers in the media, education, health, law, technology, the defence forces and government.
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.