9ENG - English
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms K. Boudreau.
9ENG - English
At Year 9, English aims to cover all six strands of the English Curriculum, with four areas - Reading, Writing, Viewing and Presenting - being formally assessed, and two areas - Listening and Speaking - being explored in an informal way.
A programme of prep will support the learning in class with further practice in the basics of English grammar, punctuation and sentence construction.
Myths and Legends: Students will read for understanding and pleasure, including short text and a New Zealand based novel. They will show their learning through a formal reading test toward the end of their novel study.
Worlds of Protest: A study of a range of writing styles, viewed through the lens of historic New Zealand protest. Students will conclude this by self selecting a style of writing for assessment.
New Zealand on Film: A study of the techniques used to connect a New Zealand audience with the moving image. Students will demonstrate their learning in a viewing test based on their choice of NZ advertisements.
Now Presenting: Poetry: A look at poetry across cultures around the Pacific. This unit will culminate in each student presenting a poem of their choice to the class.
Intro to Shakespeare: A non-threatening dive into the world of English’s most famous writer. Students will learn about the context and medium of Shakespearean drama, including the study of parts of a chosen play.
Other, eg. field trips:
Year 9 students will also have the opportunity to engage with extension activities through the Dilworth Writing Academy. Where possible, Year 9 students will also engage with a live production of Shakespeare.
Subject and Career Pathways:
English is taught in Years 7 - 13 and is fundamental to the life skills of literacy and communication. English leads to careers in the media, education, health, law, technology, the defence forces and government.
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.