9FLT - Financial Literacy (Module)

Course Description

9FLT - Financial Literacy (Module)

Aims of the Course:

This course aims to answer the following questions:

How do I earn the income I want?

Why did Albert Einstein describe compound interest as the 8th wonder of the world?

Karl Marx is attributed as saying: “From each according to their means to each according to their needs” - Why do we pay tax?


  • Earned and unearned income

  • Simple and compound interest

  • Government income and expenditure

  • Budgeting for a class event

  • Careers & pathways (future Me)

Other, eg. field trips:

Class Event at end of module

Subject and Career Pathways:

This course continues on to Year 10-13 financial literacy. 


Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.