8SST - Social Studies
Course Description
Aims of the Course:
The aim of the Y8 Social Science course endeavors to mold informed and culturally aware young men and to cultivate deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of societies, both locally and globally.
Term 1-"Mana and Society: Maori Cultural Significance"- Te Tiriti o Waitangi - The Treaty of Waitangi.
Term 2- "From Home Front to Battlefields: New Zealand's Journey through World War Two"
Term 3- "Feasts of Remembrance: Unveiling the Cultural Tapestry of the Remuera Hākari"
Term 4- "Beyond the Hobbit Holes: Y8 Journey Through New Zealand's History and Geography"
Other, eg. field trips:
- Possible use of Te Papa Museum online education- https://www.tepapa.govt.nz/learn/for-educators/education-visits/te-tiriti-o-waitangi-our-treaty
- Possible use of Waitangi Treaty grounds- https://www.waitangi.org.nz/learn/school-visits
- Possible visit to local Mountains
- Possible visit to Auckland Museum
NB: Refer to the Student Assessment Handbook for assessment rules.
Subject and Career Pathways:
This course leads into Year 9 Social Studies. Careers using social sciences include geographer, map maker, travel agent, town planner, historian, museum worker, retailer, tourism jobs, researcher, data analyst, journalist, teacher.
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.