9DRA - Drama (Module)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms P. Wilson.
Aims of the Course:
Year 9 Drama is a module course that offers ākonga the opportunity for personal development and building the capacity for presence, self-management. This is a highly physical foundation course that prepares ākonga for performance and introduces the purpose and principles of theatre. Through games and creative group tasks, students are given the ability to bring their learning to the stage and create drama within a group context. Students begin to be trained to speak, move and create with freedom, focus and confidence. In this course they will develop core capacities and lay the foundation through four main learning strands - Performance, Devising, Analysis and Drama Context.
Develop a repertoire of Theatre Games and warm up practices.
Bodies in Space-Physical Installations,Freeze Frames verses Abstract Images.
Principles and Laws of Performance.
Choral Movement and Chorus Work.
Voice in Space - Introduction to Voice and Text.
Subject and Career Pathways:
Personal Development, Acting, Writing, Directing, Presenting, Journalism, Law, Teaching, Broadcasting, Psychology,Therapy, Film, Event Management/team Building/TV Presenting/Public Relations/Marketing/Leadership.
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.