NCEA Information.
This page has information pertaining to NCEA and the co requisite.
NCEA Information
Understanding NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement)
From 2024, all Level 1, 2 and 3 courses require a minimum of 60 credits. Additionally, to achieve Level 1, learners must achieve the 20 credit co-requisite (Literacy/Numeracy). See here for more information about the co-requisite and NCEA.
Numeracy and Literacy Co requisite
Some learners achieve this in Year 9/10, some will achieve it in Year 11 or beyond.
At Level 1 - All learners at Dilworth are studying English NCEA Level 1 only. All other subjects are assessed using the Dilworth Diploma
At Level 2 - All students at Dilworth study 6 NCEA Level 2 Subjects.
At Level 3 - All students at Dilworth study 5 NCEA Level 3 Subjects.
(Note that some students study multi level subjects)
New Zealand University Entrance (UE) requirements
- Minimum of three NCEA UE approved subjects (Achievement Standards not Unit Standards) gaining at least 14 or more credits in each subject
- Minimum of 60 Level credits overall
- 10 Literacy credits from Level 2 or above (it is recommended that learners try and achieve these at Level 2, however they can be gained at Level 3).
- 5 reading and 5 writing credits. These come from a range of different subjects and are shown as *R or * W or *R/W for each assessment
- Certificate/Level endorsement requires 50 or more credits at Merit or Excellence level.
- Students will be required to gain 14 or more credits in a course at Achieved, Merit or Excellence (including at least 3 external and 3 internal credits) to gain a course/subject endorsement.
- Endorsements at Dilworth
Further information about NCEA
- Unit Standards as well as Achievement standards can be used towards the 60-credits NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3 qualifications
- Credits that learners gain outside of school such as in a workplace, first aid or gaining their drivers licence can be used towards NCEA qualifications
- There is no time limit on completing NCEA - a level does not need to be gained in one particular year, equally learners can move up to higher standards beyond their current level if they have shown sufficient achievement
- Scholarship courses/exams on offer in certain subjects at Level 3 - this is the highest secondary school assessment available and is for those learners who excel in a particular subject area.
Schools have to follow NZQA guidelines in administering the NCEA, the handbook below is information regarding policies and processes at Dilworth.
To track your progress towards NCEA, using your NZQA login or use the parent portal to track your credits.