13PAT - Pathways NCEA Level 3
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs G. Halford, Ms S. Pattison.
13PAT - Pathways NCEA Level 3
This course is geared to students who would benefit most from exploring options for further study, work or training post-Dilworth. Learning experiences are designed to support understanding of career pathways and develop work-ready skills in preparation for leaving school.
Students will benefit from off-site employer visits and learning experiences with training providers including industry-specific Level 3 credits. There is the opportunity to gain an industry ‘Site Safe’ certificate for the Building and Construction trades and qualifications in workplace health and safety. Alongside generic Unit Standards, students will experience a course and credits tailored to their specific interests and goals. Students may also be assisted in arranging work experience on a case-by-case basis.
The Unit Standards in this course are competency-based and credits are graded at ‘Achieved’. It is important to note that there are no Merit or Excellence grades, or course endorsements available for this course. This course is NOT classified as an Approved Subject for University Entrance. Students who are intending to go to University to study a degree programme, are advised to take 5 Approved Subjects to give them the best chance to meet any rank score requirements for entry. However, they are advised to talk to their Dean and the Careers and Pathways Learning Area to discuss this.
Credits other than those listed below in the credit information will be determined by student interest. Students will be given the opportunity to gain a minimum of 22 Unit Standard credits.
This course is designed for students to pathway into a range of study, work and training options beyond Dilworth.
Assessment Information
The Unit Standards in this course are competency-based and credits are graded at ‘Achieved’. It is important to note that there are no Merit or Excellence grades, or course endorsements available for this course. This course is NOT classified as an Approved Subject for University Entrance.This course will allow students to gain a minimum of 20 Unit Standard credits. Credits other than those listed in the credit information will be determined by student interest.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Speak to a known audience in a predictable situation
Write a report
Plan a career pathway
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.