
10MUS - Music (Semester 2)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Stent.

10MUS - Music (Semester 2)

Aims of the Course:

The Year 10 Music Semester 2 course is an option course for all Year 10 ākonga who learn an instrument or wish to pursue further studies in voice. This course offers ākonga the opportunity to broaden and deepen their understanding and capabilities in Music through multiple learning strands - Performance, Analysis, and Context. Through advancing their studies in these strands ākonga become more able to realise success in future years of study in Senior Music courses.

This course utilises the Kodály system of music education pedagogy - classroom singing and rhythm activities, engagement through exploration and games, and folk music are all key elements of teaching and learning. Musical language and understandings are intended to create a “toolbox” of solutions that build on previous years and remain relevant for the remainder of the ākongas Dilworth journey in the area of Music.


Topics covered in Year 10 Music Semester 2 include:

  • Performing on your chosen instrument; maturing and developing personal integrity and ownership of technical and musical progress, and demonstrating this by performing for an audience,

  • An overview study of classical music history from Medieval/Renaissance music through to the 20th Century.

  • Advancing knowledge and understanding of music theory and aural concepts in order to achieve improved outcomes in creative and practical work.

Other, eg. Field trips, Curriculum Enrichment

All ākonga in the Music space should give due consideration to involvement in co-curricular music activities, opportunities for leadership and mentoring within the Performing Arts Faculty, participation in the itinerant music programme, and engagement in external events and competitions. Most significantly in Semester 2 this includes performing at the KBB Music Festival, Big Sing National Finale, Arts Showcase, Carols Service and Prize Giving.





Perform music as a featured soloist for an audience

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of music theory and aural concepts

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Classical Music history

Subject and Career Pathways:

Year 10 Music leads on to Year 11 Music.

Careers include Music Director, professional musician, booking agent, journalist, event coordinator, sound technician, broadcaster, teacher, composer, DJ, audio engineer, conductor, arranger, therapist, analyst, retailer.


Course Skills


Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.