10BST - Business Studies (Semester 2)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr G. Black.

10BST - Business Studies (Semester 2)

Aims of the Course:

This course is designed so that the knowledge and skills gained, and exposure to enterprise culture, can help shape “creative, energetic, and enterprising” young people who impact Dilworth and the world around them. The focus in the second half of the year will be on business skills and collaborative group work, which follows through an entire business project – including developing, marketing and selling a product. It culminates in the Market Day in Term four. Assessment is completed throughout the semester, by way of dragon den pitching, a business plan, and Market Day. 


Semester One involves building up our Commerce skills so that we are prepared for success in Semester Two. We will be covering Entrepreneurship, Accounting and Economics.

Semester Two in Business Studies is about ‘Making it Happen!’: Applying the skills we have learnt in semester one to sell a product at Market Day. For the majority of this semester students will be in their groups planning to sell the product they have created.

Unit One: Creating Demand for our Product

Unit Two: Starting Our Business 

Unit Three: Financial Planning for Success

Unit Four: Marketing our Product

Unit Five: Business Plan and Market Day

Other, eg. field trips:

Market Day

Business Challenge with Diocesan School for Girls





Entrepreneurship: The Beating Heart of the NZ Economy

The Business World: Accounting

Economics: Applied Commerce skills

Enterprise: Market Day

Subject and Career Pathways:

Year 10 Business Studies leads into three pathways in Year 11: Accounting, Economics, and Entrepreneurship. Careers include business, office management, financial services, trades and teaching.


Course Skills


Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.