11MUS - Music Dilworth Diploma
Course Description
11MUS - Music Dilworth Diploma
Aims of the Course:
Year 11 Music offers ākonga the opportunity to broaden and deepen their understanding and capabilities in Music through four main learning strands - Performance, Composition, Analysis and Musical Context. Exploring a range of learning strands encourages ākonga to realise areas of strength and interest as well as examining more closely those that require focus and further attention.
Topics covered in Year 11 Music include:
Theoretical knowledge and concepts as they apply to real-world outcomes such as composing new music and presenting great performances.
An overview of classical and popular music history through listening, and developing understanding of how active listening analysis helps to identify and inspire style and compositional features.
Live workshopping of performance practice and psychology, and deep discussion on rehearsal methodology, time efficacy, personal accountability and planning.
Live performance for a range of audiences.
The creation of original music through a range of outputs including notational software, DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations), and live performance.
Other, eg. Field trips, Curriculum Enrichment
All ākonga in the Music space should give due consideration to involvement in co-curricular music activities, opportunities for leadership and mentoring within the Performing Arts Faculty, participation in the itinerant music programme, and engagement in external events and competitions.
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.