11DRA - Drama Dilworth Diploma
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Stent.
11DRA - Drama Dilworth Diploma
Aims of the Course:
Year 11 Drama offers ākonga the opportunity to broaden and deepen their understanding and capabilities in Drama through four main learning strands - Performance, Devising, Analysis and Drama Context. Through Drama, ākonga develop greater presence, self-management and the courage to create in the world. They experience themselves more deeply and develop a richer understanding of who they are. Through walking in the shoes of others they develop greater empathy, understanding of the human condition, appreciation of themselves, and what kind of world they want to live in.
The theme is Comedy and Tragedy. Students gain experiential understanding of the role of Comedy and Tragedy through history, and its role in the human condition. The sequence of activities is broad, enlivening and rigorous and provides scope for bold self-expression, and opportunity for reflection about self and society.
Physical Comedy - Slapstick, Silent Film, Clowning and Mask.
Commedia dell’arte and Greek Tragedy - Drama reflecting the social context of the era.
Compare and Contrast Contemporary Tragedy with Greek Tragedy - What is catharsis?
Analyse Theatre - understanding and analysing the Elements, Conventions and Technologies and Features used to enhance and shape performance.
Live Theatre / Theatre Form - understanding and knowledge.
Field trips.
Students will need to see one live theatre performance to best understand and discuss how actors, theatre and the technologies work.
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.