11ENG - English NCEA Level 1
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms K. Boudreau.
11ENG - English NCEA Level 1
Aims of the Course:
Year 11 English gives you the ability to study the 'Art of Communication' through a range of written, visual and oral texts. You will then use your understanding of how these work to communicate more expertly. Students will be offered a range of opportunities to reflect on themselves, others and the wider world through an exploration of a range of texts. They will also learn to serve others through the strengthening of communication skills, both written and oral.
Year 11 English is the only NCEA Level 1 course at Dilworth, and offers students the chance to learn more about the NCEA systems and processes as you study.
Course Overview
Term 1
Knowing Ourselves: Term 1 will focus on self-reflection through personal reading, a study of a local text or texts and a focus on personal blog writing.
Term 2
Knowing Others: Term 2 will focus on widening our lens on the world through the study of a text from a different culture or context. Students will also be encouraged to notice others through a descriptive writing task.
Term 3
Serving Self and Others: In Term 3, students will be asked to look at issues in the world through the study of documentary. This will lead to a study of persuasive opinion writing, where students are encouraged to help others through taking a stance on important issues in our society.
Term 4
Finding our Place in the World: Term 4 will look at a range of short texts from across the Pacific, spanning prose, poetry and nonfiction. Students will learn how to identify techniques used in these texts to appeal to their target audiences.
Recommended Prior Learning
This course builds upon the learning done in the mandatory Year 10 English programme and those before it.
Assessment Information
Assessment:Dilworth Diploma 1.11
Demonstrate Understanding of Significant Aspects of Studied Texts
Develop Ideas in Writing Using Stylistic and Written Conventions
Demonstrate Understanding of Specific Aspects of Unfamiliar Texts
TOTAL Credits & Points:
*Work being marked externally by NCEA will be given an in-school grade that will count toward our Dilworth Diploma.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
English 1.2 - Develop ideas in writing using stylistic and written conventions
English 1.4 - Demonstrate understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar texts
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.