13RST - Religious Studies NCEA Level 3
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr C. Carruthers, Ms J. McInnes.
The main theme that runs through each of the topics in NCEA Level 3 Religious Studies is the analysis of Christian religious tradition. This involves understanding, analysis and evaluation of Christian teachings alongside diverse religious and spiritual worldviews. The topics studied in 13RST include a comparison between Christian views and Secular Humanist views on questions such as “What happens after we die?”, “What is the purpose of life?” and “Does God exist?”. We also conduct an analysis and evaluation of the Christian response to the recent legalisation of assisted suicide in New Zealand. Finally, 13RST reads key accounts in the book of Genesis from both a literal view and a literary view, exploring different interpretations of the Creation account, Adam and Eve, the Fall and Noah’s Ark.
13RST involves wide reading and exposure to a number of ancient and modern texts.
13RST is a university entrance course that will offer students 18 internal credits. There is no external exam in RST, however Scholarship RST is offered for those students who wish to take the Scholarship exam. All standards offer UE reading credits.
Course Overview
Term 1
In Term 1 the topic studied will be an introduction to the worldview of Secular Humanism and a comparison of beliefs with Christianity. We will address these beliefs in light of their answers to the profound questions of life. The main skill underpinning this unit will be identifying and evaluating the teachings of each worldview. It will be assessed with a 6-credit theological beliefs achievement standard.
Term 2
In Term 2 the topic studied will be an analysis of the ethical issue of assisted dying, and an evaluation of the Anglican Church response in light of the 2020 New Zealand euthanasia referendum. We will look at the Christian ethical arguments both for and against assisted dying including the sanctity and value of life, whose right it is to decide upon the time of death, alternatives to assisted dying, and Maori and Pasifika views. The main skill taught in this unit is evaluating fact, opinion, and argument including Biblical and cultural arguments. It will be assessed with a 6-credit achievement standard.
Term 3
In Term 3 the topic studied will be the book of Genesis and the accounts of Creation, Adam and Eve, the Fall of humanity and Noah’s Ark. The focus for this unit will be on varying ways to interpret these accounts and evaluate their historical and scientific accuracy. The main skill underpinning this unit will be developing Biblical literacy and interpretation. It will be assessed with a 6-credit achievement standard on analysing the meanings in a sacred religious text.
Recommended Prior Learning
There is no recommended prior learning for 13RST. However, good results in a literacy rich subject at year 12 such as English or another Social Science course such as Geography or History is advisable.
The opportunity to sit Scholarship Religious Studies is available for students with a high level of critical thinking, literacy ability and the motivation to study independently throughout the year.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
This course is approved for University Entrance.
Religious Studies 3.3 - Analyse the response of a religious tradition to a contemporary ethical issue
Religious Studies 3.4 - Analyse the key beliefs of a religious tradition and a secular world view in relation to ultimate questions
Religious Studies 3.1 - Analyse the meanings in a sacred text within a religious tradition
Approved subject for University Entrance
Number of credits that can be used for overall endorsement: 18
Only students engaged in learning and achievement derived from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa are eligible to be awarded these subjects as part of the requirement for 14 credits in each of three subjects.
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.