11ECO - Economics Dilworth Diploma
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr G. Black, Mr W. Poor.
11ECO - Economics Dilworth Diploma
This subject aims to develop an understanding of why and how people make economic decisions, the impact those decisions have on society, and how these impacts are viewed. This should enable students to be aware of the changing nature of the economic environment and to take an effective part in economic activity and to contribute to economic well-being.
Economics will equip students with the tools to make informed decisions and to make better use of their own and society’s resources. These tools will be contextualised in a variety of field trips and speakers. For example:
1. McDonald’s trip to investigate their production processes
2. Ferrari
Students will learn about Macroeconomics in big business entities.
They will learn about how markets work and calculating equilibriums for Microeconomics.
Topic | Dilworth Diploma Points | Mode of Assessment | Due Date |
Visual presentation on circular flow | 5 | Assignment - report | |
Assignment on producers | 5 | Assignment - report | |
Welcome to the market | 5 | Assessment - Examination | Term 4 |
Course Overview
Term 1
Big Picture - Interdependence
Term 2
Big Picture - Producer Decisions
Term 3
Welcome to the Market
Term 4
Recommended Prior Learning
No prior learning needed.
Every effort will be made to give students their preferred choice in subjects. However, all courses are subject to availibility of staff and student numbers.